List of products by brand Dargaud
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Album Les Vieux Fourneaux - Chauds comme le climat T7 FR (2022)
€14.22 In stockIt's party time in Montcoeur! The mayor has decided to organize a "friendship and living together picnic". Unfortunately, living together has a hitch in its wing, or rather a skewer in its buttocks. Those of the mayor, in this case, victims of an assault by Berthe, Mimile's former lover. 48 pages.
Album Les Vieux Fourneaux - L'Oreille bouchée T6 FR (2020)
€14.22 In stockMimile has had the idea of the century: inviting his old friends to join him in Guyana for a mysterious stay. Antoine, who has never traveled, is over the moon. Pierrot, who has never traveled either, has no intention of letting exoticism and adventure undermine his proverbial bad mood. 48 pages.
Album Les Vieux Fourneaux - Bons pour l'asile T5 FR (2018)
€14.22 In stockBack in Paris for Antoine, Mimile and Juliette. The plan is simple: bring Juliette back to her mother, then rush to the Stade de France to watch the France-Australia rugby match. At least that's what's planned... But, eager to see her father and grandfather make up, Sophie forces them to take care of Juliette together until the next day. 48 pages.
Album Les Vieux Fourneaux - La Magicienne T4 FR (2016)
€14.22 In stockDown with the Magician! The Old Stoves are back, younger than ever! After a summer tour of the 'Loup en slip' theater, Sophie and Antoine return home to discover their charming village in full swing! 48 pages.
Album Les Vieux Fourneaux - Celui qui part T3 FR (2015)
€14.22 In stockIn the third volume of Vieux Fourneaux, Lupano and Cauuet focus this time on the case of Mimile, who spent his life traveling the Pacific, between punching balls, rugby and long-term friendships. Once a pirate, always a pirate ! 48 pages.
Album Les Vieux Fourneaux - Bonny and Pierrot T2 FR (2014)
€14.22 In stockLupano and Cauuet describe with as much humor as ever the free fall of our society. Mimile, Antoine, Pierrot and his visually impaired anarchists remain to get things back on track. An unexpected payment from the "carnivorous finance" arrives at just the right time, but also awakens painful memories for Pierrot. 48 pages.
Album Les Vieux Fourneaux - Ceux qui restent T1 FR (2014)
€14.22 In stockPierrot, Mimile & Antoine, three septuagenarians, childhood friends, have understood that growing old is the only known way not to die. Even if it means hanging around here a little longer, they are determined to do it with style: one eye turned towards a past that is going to hell, the other scrutinizing an increasingly uncertain future, one foot in the grave and one hand on the heart. 48 pages.
Album La Quête de l'Oiseau du Temps - Avant la Quête L'Omégon - T8 FR (2024)
€18.91 In stockPrince Bodias finally finds the perfect place to plant the sacred seed found by Bragon, Mara, Bulrog and Kryll. It is the Omégon, the mythical court of justice of the Old Gods nestled in the distant Wastelands. 104 pages. French.
Album XIII Moscow - Spaso House - Special Edition- T29 FR (2024)
€14.22On a plane to Moscow, Boris, the Russian FSB agent XIII knew in his youth during his infiltration in Cuba, reminds our hero of an old mission that his memory had erased. By stimulating Jason Mac Lane's lost memory, the Russian hopes to discover the hiding place of old evidence of a conspiracy that could be useful in relaunching his career. 56 pages. French. Special Edition.
Album Blake and Mortimer - Signé Olrik T30 FR (2024)
€16.11 In stockIn this new album, Blake and Mortimer must foil the attacks of a small independence group with the help of an essential and, to say the least, unexpected ally... Colonel Olrik himself "! But can you ever trust a "friend" of this ilk ? 48 pages. French.
Album XIII Moscow - Spaso House T29 FR (2024)
€12.80 In stockOn a plane to Moscow, Boris, the Russian FSB agent XIII knew in his youth during his infiltration in Cuba, reminds our hero of an old mission that his memory had erased. By stimulating Jason Mac Lane's lost memory, the Russian hopes to discover the hiding place of old evidence of a conspiracy that could be useful in relaunching his career. 48 pages. French.
Album Les Vieux Fourneaux - Graines de voyous T8 FR (2024)
€14.22 In stockIt’s summer, Montcoeur is as dry as a 49.3. The heatwave is such that we can even see the bottom of the Gibelette pond! Unheard of. However, the weather won’t stop Sophie from organizing a party for the 60th anniversary of “Le Loup en Slip”. The opportunity to delve back into memories and dust off some old photos. Le Loup en Slip, in the area, is not nothing. 48 pages. French.
Luxury Album - Un autre regard sur Blake et Mortimer - L'art de la Guerre (B&W)
€236.97 In stockFloc’h combines his passion for the “clear line” with his mastery of color to masterfully appropriate these mythical characters, who are visiting New York for the first time. José-Louis Bocquet and Jean-Luc Fromental have written a tailor-made scenario for him. Luxury B&W print: Another look at Blake and Mortimer - The Art of War. Limited and numbered edition of 400 copies. French.
Album Blake and Mortimer - Signé Olrik Strips Version T30 (2024)
€23.70 In stockIn this new album, Blake and Mortimer must foil the attacks of a small independence group with the help of an essential and, to say the least, unexpected ally... Colonel Olrik himself "! But can you ever trust a "friend" of this ilk ? 192 pages. French.
Album Lucky Luke d'après Morris - Un cow-boy sous pression T11 FR (2024)
€11.85 In stockThe mood is gloomy in New Munich, a small Dakota village founded by German settlers. The reason? A beer shortage caused by the general strike that is paralyzing all the breweries in the country! 48 pages. French.
Album Boule & Bill - Bill donne sa langue au chat ! T45 FR (2024)
€11.85 In stockWhat is a cocker spaniel?... An endearing, thunderous and teasing companion! Bill is THE cocker spaniel par excellence! Always the last in the bath but the first at the soup or on the playground, more than ever he forms with Boule a duo as funny as they are complicit. A new variation of this “naughty cocker spaniel” for a laugh with the family on the eve of the holidays! 48 pages. French.
Paper Bookmark XIII, Jones Dertien contra EEN (80x240mm)
€2.04 In stockCollectible Paper Bookmark XIII, Jones Dertien contra EEN. 80x240mm.
Collectible Credit Card XIII, numbered and signed by Vance (2003)
€10.79 In stockCash XIII collector's credit card published for Librairie Apostrophes in 2003. Limited and numbered edition of 999 copies, hand-signed by Vance. Dimensions: 8.5x5.5cm
Album XIII Mystery - Traquenards et Sentiments T14 FR (2024)
€13.22 In stockAfter 1.5 million albums sold for the XIII Mystery series, Jean Van Hamme closes it with a thunderous fourteenth episode, which subtly completes the past of XIII ! 64 pages. French.
Album Blacksad - Alors, tout tombe - Seconde partie T7 FR (2023)
€17.01 In stockBy investigating Solomon, Blacksad discovers that the falcon's empire is built on a pile of corpses of which Iris Allen, the theater director, is not the first victim. Trapped by Solomon, Weekly is then accused of the murder. A real race against time begins for Blacksad to gather the evidence exonerating his friend and bringing down the architect. 56 pages. French.
Album Boule & Bill - Te fais pas d'Bill ! T44 FR (2023)
€11.33 In stockWhat is a cocker spaniel?... An endearing, thunderous and teasing companion! Bill is THE cocker spaniel par excellence! Always the last in the bath but the first at the soup or on the playground, more than ever he forms with Boule a duo as funny as they are complicit. A new variation of this “naughty cocker spaniel” for a laugh with the family on the eve of the holidays! 48 pages. French.